I found this website through google when I search Sara Happ Lip Scrub review and google showed me this web. When I opened it I saw a brand that I really want to get the products on my hand "SLEEK". I've watched so many reviews on YouTube about this brand and everyone likes the products. So I bought some of them from Luxola, and that time Luxola had 35 percent discount on every products they sell so I took advantage and bought 3 products, 2 are from SLEEK and 1 is from Z-Palette.
Let me show you guys how to buy products on Luxola :
1. Go to www.luxola.com
2. Before you shop, I suggest you to sign in first or maybe if you don't have a account, you can make one. I recommend you to sign up (if you don't have one) because you can get emails from them and will not miss every sale that they have in time.
3. After you sign in/ sign up, go to the products that you wanna buy. I chose sleek again here because they had a sale on sleek products that I chose.
4. Click on the products and click "add to cart" or if you want to make it fast you don't have to click the product, just click the button under the product "add to cart" or in Indonesia "Beli".
5. When you're done adding your products, click on your cart, which is on the right top of the website which has a basket symbol to it.
6. Once you click on your cart, the page will show you what's in your cart, it has items that you put in, also has the total price of your products. It also shows the shipping country, I choose Indonesia because I live in Indonesia.
7. If you have a promo code or points you could apply the code or maybe redeem the points (which has instructions below the "Redeem My Points).
8. If you still want to continue your shopping then click "Continue Shopping" or in Indonesia "Lanjut Berbelanja" below the shipping country.
But, if you think that it's enough and you don't want to add more products to your cart then click "Secure Checkout" or in Indonesia "Beli Sekarang" which is under the Total.
9. After you click the secure checkout, the page will show your order and shipping address. If you want to ship this into your current address then click "Proceed to Purchase".
10. After you click that, the page will show you, your order and payment details which has Visa/MasterCard/American Express, PayPal, BCA KlikPay, Mandiri E-Cash, and transfer to Bank account (BCA and Mandiri) and etc. Choose your payment that you think easy to do the transaction. I chose the Transfer to Bank Account which is on the bottom and I click "Confirm".
11. Then after you clicked confirm, the page will show the details of the bank and a confirmation payment that we have to fill after we finish our payment. And then Click "Confirm".
12. After you pay the payment, Luxola will send you a confirmation payment to your email. And after about two days or so they will email you and give you the tracking number of your products so you check where the products are.
Aku belum dapetin barang yang udah aku order, emang lama pengirimannya tapi menurut aku it's worth to wait karena barang yang dikirim itu ga cacat dan aman pas sampe di rumah.
Have you tried the website yet? It's pretty easy to order and affordable. I recommend you this website if you want to buy some beauty products. Enjoy shopping guys.